Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Confusing Type

In my opinion, the most difficult type of reasoning for me to understand was "Reasoning by Criteria." To understand this type of reasoning more and to help clarify things, I researched more information on Criteria Reasoning. As stated on, the term criteria means "a rule or principle for evaluation or testing something." In order to understand this type of reasoning, one must state and analyze the criteria that is given, and then figure out which criteria works best for the situation. A person must decided whether or not if the criteria is a valid one. In most cases, people often assume that the criteria is valid or strong because it is a common value. Therefore, it does not need further explanation or need to be analyzed. The criteria that seems the most common are usually accepted very easily, and is accepted as a reasonable and legitimate statement. 


  1. Reasoning by criteria is pretty difficult to understand. It was also one of the most difficult for me to understand as well. I am glad you decided to do this one. I think your explanation would have been better to understand if you added something or personable or several examples to explain how that example is an example of reasoning by criteria. But I do understand how you would understand reasoning by criteria. You have to decide whether or not if the criterion is a valid one. Although it is common knowledge people do assume that is valid or strong. I do agree with your concept that you’ve learned.

  2. I thought reasoning by criteria was the most difficult to comprehend. I think looking up and defining the word “criteria” was very helpful in understanding the concept of reasoning by criteria better. The established criteria must be a premise in the argument in order for it to be classified under reasoning by criteria. And like all premises, it is important to determine if the premise is valid or not. You make a good point that people often assume that the criteria is valid or strong because it is a common value, which makes this type of reasoning similar to reasoning by example which made me confused.

  3. I agree that Reasoning by criteria was confusing as well, but when comparing an example to everyday college life it helped me understand the concept of it more. I agree that looking up parts of the reasoning in the dictionary is a good resource because it helps break down the confusion and opens up the basic of understanding.

